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Start here until I have this site built.
You want to take control over your available time. Not time take control over you. 1 to 3 months you will get hold of your time. Your result will start to increase like compound interest rate after 3 to 6 months.

If you don’t want others to look at your task list without your knowledge, use pen and paper. 🙂 

Trial and error period – Make your goals measurable and write it down for 3 months or 6 month if needed. Even if your don’t complete all tasks, just write it down. This is trial and error period where you will find out how you are doing and what you need to adjust.

Goal is not to complete all tasks. You are trying to find out your limitations and how to adjust as you review it. Example – Not drinking enough water? Figure out ways to improve it. 

If you keep writing down your task results/status in numbers, it will be then easy to review it.

A pattern should appear in less than 3 months. 

Adjust/update/add/remove tasks to reach/complete your goals.

1. Health First thing first. Pick 3 easy exercises goals which will take no more than 3 to 5 min to start with for each goals. Example goals- Exercise/walking/running/, Food choices, and Rest/Sleep 

2. Mind If you can build your muscles to be stronger, you can find simple exercises to make your mind stronger same as muscles. Search online for emotional resilience. No one is born with tough mind to handle difficult and unpleasant situations. Just like muscles you can make your mind tougher.

Look online for more ideas for different types of life goals you may want to accomplish. 

Pick goals that important to you first. Also, write down any goals you may want to accomplish later. Once you get good at taking control over your time, you may find more time and then these extra goal ideas will help you until you figure out other important goals. These extra goals are like extra Lego pieces around to play with when you want to mix it up.

You want to word your goal to be measurable. 

Example: Sleep enough not measurable. Sleep 6 to 8 hour is measurable. And when you do this and note it everyday, you will see a pattern in 3 month or less.

Drink more water is not measurable. Drink 1 to 3 liter water is measurable.

Eating breakfast regularly: Update to Eat these healthy food items for breakfast everyday.

Make time for self-care: How many minutes/hours

Create a morning routine: Group some smaller tasks for morning. – Cleaning, Exercise, breakfast, reviewing and updating tasks list, reading, budgeting, etc…

It takes about 3 to 6 month to see very slight results. But by 3 to 6 months your perspective and outlook will be positive even you don’t see massive results. You have to wait a year at least to see significant change. This is why you want to make your goals break down to really smaller tasks, so that when you complete those smaller tasks, it will feel a lot.

Make a main task list spreadsheet. See sample image below.

Write down everything you do daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.

Break down each task into smaller tasks which will take you no more than 10 min to complete.

Goal for 100 tasks to complete a day to start with. Don’t worry if you don’t complete 99 tasks even. 

100 tasks will take 10 hours if you take 10 min for each tasks.

Within a week or a month you will you will start to find out what tasks you are completing and what tasks you are not able to finish.

First month or first 3 months –  Whatever you do, do not spend more than 10 min in a tasks. Do a sperate tasks and then come back.

If a tasks takes more than 10 min break that task into multiple tasks.

By 3 months you will get control over your time.

There maybe a days, or week you may not do anything. That is ok. Just review your task list.

Adjust your task list. Update your task list as you need. Add or remove tasks that doesn’t contribute to your goal.

Print it or hand write it and put it next to bed and/or study table/kitchen

Group 5-10 min tasks
If a tasks takes longer than 10 min enter another task line for same tasks. Task 1, Task 2a, Task 2b, Task 3, etc.
Declutter work space/work room
Clean/mop floor
Prep 2-4 eggs/nuts/raisins/orange/lemon/lime water

Read 10 min to start with: Book 1 – Fiction/Non-fiction – Read 5 min. Stop at 5 min or 10 min even you can read more or have time. This will help you focus on reading. You can’t just sit with a book on hand and let your thoughts drift. Then pick book 2/3 another time of the day. Not back to back.

Book 2 – Fiction/Non-fiction – Repeat same as Book 1

Book 3 – Fiction/Non-fiction – Repeat same as Book 1

  • Start with 5 min run/ or 5  min walk/ or 5 min stairs everyday. Then increase this by 1 min after 30 days of not missing a day.
Daily tasks sample
 “Change Your Thinking: Overcome Stress, Anxiety, and Depression, and Improve Your Life with CBT” *****
Ph.D. Sarah Edelman Ph.D.; Paperback
 “The Power of Positive Thinking” ****
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale; Paperback

“The Success Principles(TM): How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be”

Jack Canfield; Paperback;
 “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” ****
David Allen; Paperback
 “How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life (Signet)” 
Alan Lakein; Paperback